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Safety instructions use / charging small and medium size lithium ion powered devices

ID 20830 | | Visite: 1277 | Prevenzione IncendiPermalink:

Safety instructions use   charging small and medium size lithium ion powered devices

Safety instructions for the use and charging of small and medium size lithium ion powered devices

ID 20830 | 23.11.2023 / CFPA-E Guideline No 41:2023 F - Attached

The Lithium ion batteries are more and more present in our lives, as a power source to small and medium electronic devices, and also as large scale energy storage systems. Although the batteries are considered as safe elements, no lithium-ion battery is completely risk-free. The utilization of a defective battery can cause a thermal runaway process triggering a fire. Other possible dangers are electric shocks and chemical risks.

The challenge of a battery fire is increased by the fact that the chemical reaction of the battery contains or produces all the elements necessary for fire (heat, oxygen, combustible material).

A significant factor in lithium-ion battery fires is thermal runaway, which refers to a highly heat-generating reaction inside the battery cell that can lead to the discharge of gasified electrolyte, ignition and a strong flame. Because of this, it is difficult to extinguish the fire, so it´s very important to identify as soon as possible the signs indicating a potential failure of the battery. In addition, the highly toxic gases formed in a lithium-ion battery fire are very high risks to people who are in the same room when the fire occurs.

This guideline presents recommendations for the users of small and medium electronic devices powered by lithium ion batteries. Other possible dangers are electric shocks and chemical risks.

Lithium batteries are an energy source of many small electronic devices e.g. cell phones, laptops, cameras, consoles, etc., as well as in medium size items such as electric bicycles, scooters and hover-boards. All these devices and items are regarded as so called “portable items”. These items have to be distinguished by devices or items with removable batteries (for charging), or non-removable batteries (charging fixed with the item).

Although these devices are generally safe devices (must always guarantee a minimum quality standards in design and fabrication), they are susceptible to overheating, a phenomena that can happen especially during the charging process, or when any mechanical damage, that has affected the integrity of the cells.

This guideline is intended to domestic users of small and medium size portable electronic devices, powered by lithium ion batteries, with the purpose of provide recommendations for safe use. The use of such devices under a commercial or industrial use is outside of the scope of this guideline.

This guideline does not include the batteries with a large capacity, such as car batteries, or the batteries used in storage banks for large scale energy production. In addition, the primary (non-rechargeable) lithium metal batteries are outside the scope of this guideline.

CFPA 2023


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