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Procedure to certify CFPA-E Fire Safety Specialists in Building Design

ID 21503 | | Visite: 756 | Prevenzione IncendiPermalink:

Procedure to certify CFPA E Fire Safety Specialists in Building Design

Procedure to certify CFPA-E Fire Safety Specialists in Building Design

ID 21503 | 13.03.2024 / CFPA-E Guideline No 40:2023 F 

1 Introduction

The field of fire protection in building design has developed t throughout the world, including Europe. Due to its basis in science, the areas in which fire prevention knowledge could potentially be applied are many, but at present application of this knowledge is limited. There are gaps regarding fire and its possible interactions with the building environment and occupants.  As an alternative to conventional methods, such as prescriptive code application, fire safety design methods are often applied to provide a holistic fire safety concept that specifically adapts to the environmental conditions and hazard of any building like a tailored suit.

This approach is particularly useful for innovative designed buildings, where the conditions are not adequately covered by prescriptive building regulations. 

The application and acceptance of fire safe building design differs between the various European countries. Few countries have requirements for qualification of practitioners (for example, a university degree or a diploma in Fire Protection Engineering). In many countries, there are still limitations to the application of these methods. In some countries a performance-based approach must be accepted by authorities on national, regional or local level In all the processes involved on a site up to when the fire protection concept is implemented on site, the designer plays a very important role, and should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the principles of engineering that are to be applied in this case.

This guideline “Procedure to Certify CFPA-E Fire Safety Specialists in Building Design” describes the minimum qualification requirements for a specialist to be considered by the CFPA-E for certification as a CFPA-E Fire Safety Specialist in the field of Building Design.

This guideline forms the basis for the CFPA Europe to recognise the knowledge of an individual, by obtaining the status of a “CFPA-E Fire Safety Specialist in Building Design”.

National requirements for Fire Safety Specialists in this field shall be considered. By obtaining the status of “CFPA-E Fire Safety Specialist in Building Design”, CFPA-E endorses the knowledge and experience of a certain individual having this status, but this status brings no legal competency without fulfilling the national requirements of each country.

2 Scope

There is a need for European recognized diplomas and a European approach to accreditation and registration or certification of fire safety specialists in building design and other fire safety practitioners in Europe.

The approach needs to be based on established levels of competency appropriate to their roles. Qualification of practitioners has been identified by several organizations as an important part of the professional recognition of fire safety engineers worldwide. 

This Guideline presents a comprehensive procedure to qualify and recognize the knowledge and experience of a Fire Safety Specialist in Building Design as defined in Section 3, with the curriculum and competencies described in Section 5. The procedure is developed, supported and recognized by the CFPA-E and its member Associations. 

1 Introduction
2 Scope
3 Definitions
4 Requirements to be eligible as CFPA-E Fire Safety Specialist in Building Design
4.1 Education
4.2 Specific Training
4.3 Requirements to be a candidate for examination
5 Recommended curriculum content for a Fire Safety Specialist in Building Design
5.1 Core topics of expertise
5.2 Additional “Application focused” topics
6 Certification Procedure
6.1 Eligibility
6.2 Examination
6.2.1 Practical case
6.2.2 Battery of questions
6.3 Certification
6.4 Certificate validity 6.5 Skills maintenance
7 CFPA-E Courses related to Fire Safe Building Design
6 7.1 CFPA-E Courses
7.2 CFPA-E Courses & Guidelines for “Application focused” topics
8 Quality and Independency
8.1 Internal Audits
8.2 Independency
19 European guidelines

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