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L’approccio europeo alla valutazione delle prestazioni antincendio delle facciate

ID 23650 | | Visite: 115 | Prevenzione IncendiPermalink:

Finalisation of the European approach to assess the fire performance of fa ades

L’approccio europeo alla valutazione delle prestazioni antincendio delle facciate / Sett. 2024

ID 23650 | 18.03.2024 / Allegato

Pubblicato il report finale di “Finalisation of the European approach to assess the fire performance of façades”, commissionato dalla Commissione Europea per individuare una procedura per la valutazione della prestazione al fuoco delle facciate degli edifici.

Lo studio si focalizza sui requisiti delle normative adottate in ​​tutti gli Stati membri in relazione alle prestazioni antincendio dei sistemi di facciata e sull’identificazione degli Stati membri che hanno requisiti normativi per le prestazioni antincendio dei sistemi di facciata che vanno oltre gli attuali sistemi di classificazione EN 13501, relativi alla reazione al fuoco e alla resistenza al fuoco.

Finalisation of the European approach to assess the fire performance of façades / Sept. 2024

The final report presents and summarizes the results obtained during March 2020 to May 2024. This project was initiated after the proposal on a European assessment procedure for the fire performance of façades as presented in Boström et al (2018), which described a methodology and arguments on how and why certain choices have been made on the development of the methodology.

The assessment procedure was based on the BS 8414 – Fire performance of external cladding systems series and DIN 4102-20 – Fire behavior of building components – Part 20: Complimentary verification for the assessment of the fire behavior of external wall claddings. It was focused on: 

- establishing a register of the regulatory requirements in all Member States in relation to the fire performance of façade systems, and
- to identify those Member States who have regulatory requirements for the fire performance of façade systems which go beyond the current EN 13501 (reaction to fire and fire resistance) classification systems and to collate the details of these additional requirements.

In order to meet all regulatory provisions and all additional requirements within the Member States with the two methods an alternative approach, see Figure 1.1, was developed that addresses most issues that were identified between the current alternative assessment methods used by Member States and the current fire performance characteristics presented in the BS 8414 series and DIN 4102-20 test methods.

The procedure introduced a medium and large-scale fire to be tested and verified in the current project, showed in the principle drawing below.

Figure 1 1  Principle drawing of the test method  medium fire exposure represented on the left and large fire exposure on the right

Figure 1.1. Principle drawing of the test method, medium fire exposure represented on the left and large fire exposure on the right.

Finally, the consortium would like to thank the participants in the theoretical and experimental Round Robins, the stakeholders and liaisons for their valuable input, support and commitment to the project, and Swedish Wood for supplying the wood for the wood crib tests.
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