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Treatment and storage of waste and combustible secondary raw materials

ID 17122 | | Visite: 1895 | Prevenzione IncendiPermalink:

Treatment and storage of waste and combustible secondary raw materials  CFPA 2014

Treatment and storage of waste and combustible secondary raw materials 

ID 17122 | 20.07.2022 / CFPA

These specifications substantiate the fire protection requirements and measures to be considered for recycling plants and mechanical-biological waste treatment plants from a general point of view and they are based on state-of-the-art fire protection expertise. They include specifications that help reduce fire hazards and their effects1 . Basically, these specifications apply to plants to be established in consideration of the specific fire protection requirements. Existing plants should adjust their fire protection measures to these specifications as much as possible. It is advisable to involve the insurer in the planning of new buildings and reconstruction.

This document is based on the GDV-publication “VdS 2517”, available at VdS publishing (

These specifications apply to plants in which combustible waste products and mixed waste are sorted, processed and stored. They also apply to plants for mechanical-biological waste treatment in which waste products of high fuel value are sorted out for energetic recycling and for the organic fraction to be stabilised by rotting and fermentation. They also refer to the storage of combustible bulk materials in mono or mix fractions or in a compact form, and also to biogas and deposit storage. Moreover, this recommendation applies when combustible waste products of more than 200 m³ in total in a compact form or in the form of bulk material are stored in fixed or mobile containers in warehouses and outdoors or in the line of production. Even for material quantities up to 200 m³ appropriate fire protection measures are required. These specifications do not apply to the transport and intermediate storage in public places (e.g. car parks, railway tracks).
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CFPA Europe / Guideline No 32: 2014 F


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