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EGOL agreement 032-2018

ID 19879 | | Visite: 1319 | News Prevenzioni IncendiPermalink:

EGOL agreement 032-2018

ID 19879 | 24.06.2023

EGOL agreement 032-2018 - Measurement of bonding properties of fire protection materials

This document has been prepared by EGOLF. The method is designed to be a characterisation test for use in conjunction with fire tests. The method may be used for the purposes of national regulation or on a voluntary basis by owners or operators of structures.

The method may be used for continued type approval and determination of the ageing properties of products under long term use, however, such ageing tests, given in Annex 1, are non-mandatory. Design limits, such as those exemplified in Annex 2, shall be a matter for individual national regulation and are non-mandatory.

The method shall be used by all EGOLF member laboratories for the measurement of the general and bonding properties of fire protection materials and systems, other than intumescent coatings or other thin layer coating materials, applied to steel, concrete or steel/concrete composite structures.

It is recommended to other organisations and laboratories that this method be considered for use in support of all standard reaction to fire and fire resistance tests where knowledge of the bonding properties of fire protection materials applied to steel, concrete or steel/concrete structures is considered necessary.

The European Group of Organisations for Fire Testing, Inspection and Certification

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