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Recommendation for use (RfU) sheets Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC | 2023

ID 20801 | | Visite: 2048 | Direttiva macchinePermalink:

Direttiva Macchine compiti Organismi Notificati

Recommendation for use (RfU) sheets Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC | 2023

ID 20801 | 21.11.2023

The following 'recommendation for use' sheets reflect the common position of the notified bodies in the machinery sector. They have been endorsed by the machinery working group. Their purpose is to assist notified bodies in their tasks of conformity assessment of machinery, mainly for the EC type-examination procedure, in accordance with the terms of the machinery directive. All stakeholders involved in the implementation of the directive should be aware of the existence of this information.

Horizontal RfU sheets are prefixed by 00 and apply to all types of machinery listed in annex IV of the machinery directive

- Horizontal RfUs (September 2023)

Vertical RfU sheets apply more specifically to a particular category of machinery listed in annex IV, e.g. sheets prefixed by 01 deal with woodworking machinery. They are issued by vertical group No 1 of the coordination of notified bodies

- Vertical RfUs (October 2023)


Fonte: EC


Scarica questo file (Horizontal RfUs - September 2023.pdf)Horizontal RfUs - September 2023
EN449 kB156
Scarica questo file (Vertical RfUs - October 2023.pdf)Vertical RfUs - October 2023
EN2395 kB196

Tags: Direttiva macchine Organismi Notificati

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