UE: Consultazione pubblica Direttiva macchine
ID 3111 | | Visite: 8677 | Direttiva macchine | Permalink: https://www.certifico.com/id/3111 |
Public consultation for the evaluation of Directive 2006/42/EC
Deadline: 16.12.2016
The consultation consists of an online questionnaire available in 6 official languages of the European Union: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Polish. It runs during 12 weeks, from 22 September until 16 December 2016.
This open consultation concerns the evaluation of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
The Machinery Directive aims to facilitate the functioning of the internal market for machinery while ensuring a high level of health and safety protection for machinery users (workers, consumers and other exposed persons) as well as environment protection for machinery used in pesticide applications. It defines mandatory essential health and safety requirements for machinery placed on the market or put into service within the EU (expressed by means of CE marking), and sets out requirements for associated conformity assessment, monitoring and enforcement procedures.
Examples of products covered by the Machinery Directive include small hand held power tools, gardening machinery, construction machinery, industrial robots, etc.
The provisions of this Directive have been incorporated into national laws. This consultation asks for your experience of the Directive as applied directly, and also as implemented through national laws. For simplicity however, we will refer to both as Machinery Directive in the questionnaire.
For further information, please contact the Machinery functional e-mail box: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. .
Tags: Direttiva macchine