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CEN - CENELEC Webinar: Standardization Request for Machinery Regulation

ID 20507 | | Visite: 2578 | Documenti Riservati Direttiva macchinePermalink:

webinar CEN CENELEC Machinery Regulation

CEN - CENELEC Webinar: Standardization Request for Machinery Regulation 

ID 20507 | 04.10.2023 / Slides webinar attacched

The webinar will provides information on the forthcoming 'Standardization Request for Machinery Regulation’.

It includes:

- Information on the status of Machinery Regulation
- Explanation of the process in CEN and CENELEC and in European Commission
- Description of the content of the Standardization Request
- Information on what is expected from the Technical Committees

Slide webinar


Targeted audience:

TC and WG Officers and experts from CEN and CENELEC that are involved in the work on harmonized standards under the Machinery Directive.


For the European Commission:
Peter Broertjes – EC Policy Officer for Machinery, DG GROW.H2

Frank Wohnsland – Sector Rapporteur for Machinery
Hugo Dourado - Project Manager for Machinery
Joanna Frankowska - Project Manager for Machinery
Nuno Pargana - Account Manager for Manufacturing



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Allegato riservato CEN CENELEC Webinar Machinery Regulation May 2023.pdf
CEN - CELENEC May 2023
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