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Titolo Data creazione Visite
Safe and sustainable by design chemicals and materials - Methodological guidance 27-05-24 975
Questions & Answers REACH and Chromium(VI) substances 10-10-23 2672
Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Circular 26-07-23 1361
Testing conditions for kitchenware articles in contact with foodstuffs 07-07-23 900
Migliori prassi per comunicatori di crisi | Incidenti legati alla sicurezza alimentare 27-06-23 949
Safe and sustainable by design chemicals and materials / Case studies 16-06-23 1122
Guidance monitoring of mineral oil hydrocarbons in food and food contact materials 25-04-23 1693
Determination of MOSH/MOAH in Shell SN500* mineral oil 25-04-23 1408
List of substances banned for use in cosmetic products - CMR substances 1A, 1B or 2 21-02-23 1753
Raccomandazione (UE) 2022/2510 20-12-22 1397
Guida utilizzo RAPID-N (Rapid Natech Risk Assessment Tool) 23-08-22 1809
Technical proposals for selected new fertilising materials under the Fertilising Products Regulation 14-08-22 1162
Safe and sustainable by design chemicals and materials - JRC 2022 21-07-22 1803
Good Laboratory Practicies - Product - specific legal acts 14-07-22 1373
Recast Drinking Water Directive, state of play 01-07-22 1409
Guidance Natech risk management 22-06-22 2866
Restrictions Roadmap under the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability 27-04-22 1903
Guidance on emergency authorisations art. 53 of regulation (EC) n. 1107/2009 13-04-22 1896
Safe and sustainable by design chemicals and materials 19-03-22 1814
Report Directive 2012/18/EU (Seveso III Directive) | 2022 13-01-22 2268
Prima relazione CE attuazione ed implementazione Direttiva Seveso III 04-10-21 2117
Revisione norme dei materiali a contatto con l'acqua potabile 27-07-21 3230
Wildfires Triggering Natech Events 21-05-21 1876
Manuale di controllo delle esportazioni di prodotti chimici 2021 03-05-21 2661
Reports EFSA on pesticide residue analysis performed in 2019 12-04-21 2306
Comunicazione 2001/C 322/02 09-04-21 2857
JRC 2020 | Learning lessons from accidents - Seveso III 19-11-20 1809
EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability 14-10-20 3136
Linee guida Reg. (UE) 2019/1148 uso di precursori di esplosivi 24-06-20 12284
Environmental footprint 06-03-20 2838
FAQ Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on detergents 04-03-20 5682
Directive 2012/18/EU Seveso III: Questions & Answers 20-02-20 7769
Relazione UE: CLP Informazioni armonizzate risposta emergenza sanitaria 23-01-20 2659
Manuale di controllo delle esportazioni di prodotti chimici 08-11-19 5011
Relazione speciale n. 04/2019 | sistema di controllo prodotti biologici 15-03-19 3265
Relazione speciale n. 02/2019: Pericoli chimici negli alimenti 17-01-19 3135
Guidelines GMP specific to Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products 05-09-18 4923
Nanomateriali - Gli Stati membri votano per modificare REACH 26-04-18 6142
Manuale Regolamento prodotti cosmetici 21-04-18 15703
Relazione applicazione REACH: Conclusioni e azioni 07-03-18 4408
Study for the strategy for a non-toxic environment 11-09-17 4175
Chromium VI compounds - Recommendation SCOEL 28-08-17 4769
Euratom Supply Agency annual report 2016 14-08-17 3519
Report EU materiali a contatto con alimenti 03-08-17 4204
Seveso III traduzione FAQ europee 07-07-17 4900
Relazione 2017 direttiva Seveso II (RIR) UE 24-06-17 6141
Risultati eurobarometro sulla sicurezza chimica 08-06-17 3333
Guidance polymers in multilayer films used in food 03-05-17 3908
Studio Materiali a contatto con alimenti non armonizzati UE 01-04-17 6020
Seveso III: Manuale scenari valutazione incidenti rischio chimico 30-03-17 9097
Guida materiali e oggetti a contatto alimenti catena approvvigionamento 10-03-17 17186
Guida Regolamento sulle materie plastiche - Regolamento UE 10/2011 17-10-16 26529
Guidelines on testing conditions for articles in contact with foodstuffs 06-09-16 6210
Guida per le esenzioni a norma dall'Articolo 5(8) della Direttiva RoHS 22-08-16 9340
Seveso III FAQ 22-06-16 8537
Chemicals at work a new labelling system 02-05-16 8725
EU Petroleum Refining Fitness Check: Impact of EU Legislation on Sectoral Economic Performance 19-01-16 5067
Guidance on active and intelligent materials and articles intended to come into contact with food 04-11-15 6621
Consultation on an EU strategy for liquefied natural gas and gas storage 18-08-15 5465
GUIDELINES for preparation and inspection of a safety report SEVESO II - UNECE 02-02-15 7857

Tags: Chemicals

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Report on the exchange of information under the PIC Regulation in 2022 2023
Dic 12, 2024 62

Report on the exchange of information under the PIC Regulation in 2022-2023

Report on the exchange of information under the PIC Regulation in 2022-2023 ID 23101 | 12.12.2024 In 2022 and 2023, the Union transmitted 9 414 and 9 277 export notifications, respectively. These related to 113 PIC chemicals for exports to 153 non-EU countries in 2022, and 132 PIC chemicals for… Leggi tutto
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Regolamento delegato (UE) 2024/3095

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REACH Authorisation List
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REACH Authorisation Decisions List / Last update: 15.11.2024

REACH Authorisation Decisions List / Last update: 15.11.2024 ID 23004 | Last update: 15.11.2024 REACH Authorisation Decisions List of authorisation decisions adopted on the basis of Article 64 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH). The list also includes reference to related documentation… Leggi tutto
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Rettifica regolamento delegato 2023/707 - 18.11.2024

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REACH Authorisation List
Nov 13, 2024 208

REACH Authorisation Decisions List / Last update: 13.11.2024

REACH Authorisation Decisions List / Last update: 13.11.2024 ID 21612 | Last update: 13.11.2024 REACH Authorisation Decisions List of authorisation decisions adopted on the basis of Article 64 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH). The list also includes reference to related documentation… Leggi tutto
Logo di produzione biologica UE
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Regolamento delegato (UE) 2024/2867

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Direttiva 1999/2/CE

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Notifica HACCP
Apr 05, 2022 87624

Notifica ai fini registrazione Regolamento CE n. 852/2004

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