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Gas Appliances Regulation (EU) 2016/426

ID 5246 | | Visite: 5607 | Documenti Marcatura CE ENTIPermalink:

Regulation EU 2016 426 GAR

Gas Appliances Regulation (EU) 2016/426

As of 21 April 2018, the Gas Appliances Directive 2009/142/EC (GAD) will be fully replaced by the new Gas Appliances Regulation (EU)2016/46 (GAR) for all appliances burning gaseous fuels. Although the current Gas Appliances Directive is a fully ‘New Approach’ directive by virtue of which manufacturers placing their appliances on the market should meet the Essential

Requirements of Annex I, its implementation in the Member States showed that some amendments were necessary to clarify mainly the scope and the definitions laid down in the Directive. The new Regulation will be fully aligned with the New Legislative Framework, as has been the case for other internal market directives of interest to our members. The Regulation clarifies the requirements gas appliances and fittings will have to meet and introduces a common framework for the communication of gas supply conditions in the EU.

These clarifications will enable the safer design and construction of appliances and fittings with a view to ensuring that better performing products enter the EU gas market. It also brings clarity to the obligations of the various economic operators (manufacturers, importers, distributors), as well as those of the notified bodies and finally, it provides a harmonised approach to the conformity assessment procedures.

The final objective of these modifications is to improve the functioning of the internal market for gas appliances and fittings in the EU and be sure that these are operated in a safe manner.

The purpose of this Orgalime guide is to explain the main changes and obligations for all economic operators arising from this Regulation and to help Orgalime industries to be prepared to meet the requirements deriving from the application of the Regulation. This guide reflects the best knowledge of industry experts across Europe and the State of the Art at the moment of its application. The principles and explanations described in this guide are not legally binding.

A binding interpretation of Community legislation is the exclusive competence of the European Court of Justice.

November 2017


Scarica questo file (Orgalime GAR Guide Nov 2017.pdf)GAR Guide (EU) 2016/436
Orgalime November 2017
 995 kB1860

Tags: Marcatura CE Regolamento apparecchi a gas

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