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Regolamento Prodotti da Costruzione 305/2011/UE CPR Conference EC 2012

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Regolamento Prodotti da Costruzione 305/2011/UE CPR Conference EC 2012

Regolamento Prodotti da Costruzione
Regulation EU 305/2011

Conferenza Commissione Europea Giugno 2012

Construction Products Regulation Conference 2012
CE marking: "Quality construction products for safe works"

This conference did focus on the new legislative provisions of the Regulation (EU) 305/2011 (CPR), which clarify and simplify the legislation and reinforce the credibility of the CE marking for construction products.

This event enabled industry stakeholders and European and national regulators to exchange opinions and information on their preparations in view of the repeal of the Directive 89/106/EEC and the full implementation of the CPR, foreseen for 1 July 2013.

Furthermore, the conference contributed to highlight certain important issues such as the manufacturer's Declaration of Performance, the reduced time necessary for issuing the European Technical Assessments and the simplified procedures available to manufacturers to reduce their burdens.

European Commissionn
25 June 2012, Brussels

Elaborazione Certifico S.r.l. Adobe portfolio

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