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Guidelines ecodesign requirements for Electric Motor

ID 2426 | | Visite: 7123 | Documenti Marcatura CE UEPermalink:

Guidelines ecodesign requirements for Electric Motor

Commission Regulation 640/2009 of 22 July 2009 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC whith regard to ecodesign requirements for Electric Motors and No 4/2014 of 6 January 2014 amending Regulation 640/2009.

The guidelines are intended to be used only for facilitating the implementation of the Regulations. They are not intended to replace the Regulations or to provide “interpretation” beyond their intent.

The guidelines only reflect the opinion of the Commission services and are not legally binding. A finally binding legal interpretation of EU legislation may only be provided by the European Court of Justice. The guidelines are without prejudice to the position the Commission might take should an issue arise in a procedure before the European Court of Justice.

Electric motors are subject to EU ecodesign requirements. Electric motors use almost 50% of the electricity in Europe. They are in machines such as elevators, cranes and cooling systems.  With a more efficient motor, an average of € 700 can be saved over the lifetime of the product. More efficient motors could save Europe around 135 TWh of electricity by 2020 – equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of Sweden. This means over 60 million tonnes of CO2 emissions will be avoided.

Some motors designed for specific conditions, for example those that operate immersed in a liquid such as in a sewage system, are excluded from these requirements.

Ecodesign requirements for electric motors are mandatory for all manufacturers and suppliers wishing to sell their products in the EU. These requirements cover energy efficiency.

European Commission 2014

Motori elettrici: Dal 1 Gennaio 2015 limiti di classe di efficienza energetica almeno IE2/IE3

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