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Monitoring exposure to gas oil vapour

ID 3848 | | Visite: 3334 | Documenti Chemicals Enti

Monitoring exposure to gas oil vapour

Monitoring method for inhalation exposure to gas oil vapour and aerosol

A study was conducted to characterize sampling and analysis methods for the measurement of the personal workplace exposure concentration of gas oil vapours and aerosols and in particular, to describe their ability to quantify the aerosol-vapour partitioning.

This project aims to address a deficiency identified in current monitoring methods where the principle focus has been on the aerosol phase of exposure to mists.

Concawe 2015

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Decreto Legislativo 17 agosto 1999 n. 334

ID 3830 | | Visite: 12915 | Incidente Rilevante

Decreto Legislativo 17 agosto 1999 n. 334

Attuazione della direttiva 96/82/CE relativa al controllo dei pericoli di incidenti rilevanti connessi con determinate sostanze pericolose

G.U. n. 228 del 28 settembre 1999 - SO n. 177


Abrogato da: D.Lgs. 26 giugno 2015 n. 105

Collegamenti e Aggiornamenti

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Direttiva 2003/105/CE

ID 3829 | | Visite: 4342 | Incidente Rilevante

Direttiva 2003/105/CE

Direttiva 2003/105/CE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 16 dicembre 2003 che modifica la direttiva 96/82/CE del Consiglio sul controllo dei pericoli di incidenti rilevanti connessi con determinate sostanze pericolose

(GU L 345/97 del 31.12.2003)

Recepita da: D.Lgs. 21 settembre 2005 n. 238


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Calculation of Harm and No-Harm Distances storage and use of toxic gases in transportable containers

ID 3728 | | Visite: 4050 | Documenti Chemicals Enti

Calculation of Harm and No-Harm Distances storage and use of toxic gases in transportable containers

The Calculation of Harm and No-Harm Distances for the Storage and Use of Toxic Gases in Transportable Containers

The objective of the document is to help EIGA members and their customers…

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