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Guide to the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU

ID 4071 | | Visite: 10508 | Guide Nuovo ApproccioPermalink:

Guide to the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU

Version of 19 th May 2017

The purpose of this document is to give guidance, subject to the preceding disclaimer, on certain matters and procedures pertaining to the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU2 (hereinafter referred to as 'the RED'), which is applicable as of 13th June 2016.

This Guide brings together information previously available in several TCAM documents and related Commission’s websites. The Guide is based on the RED and on the “New Legal Framework3 ” described in the “Blue Guide 2016” (the “Blue Guide”) and does not duplicate what is already contained in the Blue Guide which addresses horizontal issues. Hence, this Guide should be read in conjunction with the Blue Guide.

This Guide is intended to serve as a manual for all parties directly or indirectly affected by the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU 1 (RED).

It should assist in the interpretation of the RED but cannot take its place; it explains and clarifies some of the most important issues related to the Directive’s application. The Guide also aims to disseminate widely the explanations and clarifications reached by consensus among Member States and other stakeholders.

This Guide will be reviewed periodically to be kept up to date.

This Guide is publicly available, but is not binding in the sense of a legal act adopted by any of the EU institutions, even if the word 'shall' is used in many parts of this Guide. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of the RED and this Guide, the provisions of the RED prevail.

The European Commission undertakes to maintain this guide to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date. Errors brought to the Commission’s attention, will be corrected. However, the Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information in this guide. The information:

- is of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity;
- is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up-to-date;
- sometimes refers to external information over which the Commission has no control and for which the Commission assumes no responsibility;
- does not constitute legal advice.

Finally, attention is drawn to the fact that all references to the CE marking and EU Declaration of Conformity relate to the RED only and radio equipment only benefits from the free circulation in the Union market if the product complies with the provisions of all the applicable Union legislation. Reference is therefore made, whenever necessary but not always, to other EU legal acts.

EU May 2017


Nuova Direttiva R&TTE 2014/53/UE (Direttiva RED)

Decreto Legislativo 22 giugno 2016 n. 128

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EU - May 2017
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