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Guide to Understanding the Specific Requirements of the Construction Products Regulation

ID 2116 | | Visite: 5874 | Documenti Marcatura CE ENTIPermalink:

Guide to Understanding the Specific Requirements of the Construction Products Regulation

Updated November 2015

The Guide aims at providing its users with a simple explanation of the obligations of all economic operators with relation to Regulation 305/2011 on construction products. The updated guide includes the recent changes to the CPR so as to help Orgalime industries to meet the requirements detailed in the Regulation.

The guide has been structured in a way that readers easily comprehend the Regulation’s main content and their own obligations/requirements in a progressive manner:
1. The guide provides the user with an introduction to the background of this Regulation.
2. The guide explains the recent publications by the European Commission and how these now effect the ways in which all economic operators can meet the requirements of the Regulation.
3. The guide highlights the new tools made available by the European Commission and how these may be utilised.
4.  The guide includes new practical examples which further convey the way in which to correctly interpret the CPR.

November 2015

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Orgalime 2015
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Tags: Marcatura CE Regolamento CPR

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