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Guidelines simple Pressure Vessels Directive 2014/29/EU (SPVD)

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Guidelines SPVD

Guidelines related to the Simple Pressure Vessels Directive 2014/29/EU (SPVD)

In order to ensure a coherent application of the Simple Pressure Vessels Directive 2014/29/EU (SPVD) (which replaces Directive 2009/105/EC as of 20 April 2016), Guidelines are developed and agreed by the Commission's Working Group "Pressure" (WGP).

This working group is composed of representatives of Member States, European federations, the Notified Bodies Forum and CEN and chaired by a representative of the Commission services.

This document includes the SPVD Guidelines1 under Directive 2014/29/EU which are endorsed by the Working Group "Pressure" (WGP).

SPVD Guidelines endorsed for the former Directive 2009/105/EC are not valid unless they are endorsed by the WGP under the directive 2014/29/EU.

Status of the guidelines

The SPVD Guidelines are not a legally binding interpretation of the Directive. The legally binding text remains that of the Directive. However, the SPVD Guidelines represent a reference for ensuring consistent application of the Directive.

They represent, unless indicated differently in the respective guideline text, the unanimous opinion of the Member States.

Version Date Comment
1.0 17/10/2018 Includes SPVD 2014/29/EU Guidelines adopted by WGP meeting of 13/9/2018

Fonte: European Commission


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Allegato riservato SPVD_2014-29-EU_Guidelines_EN_v1.pdf
V.1 17.10.2018
282 kB 60

Tags: Marcatura CE Direttiva SPVD

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