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Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR): FAQ

ID 22651 | | Visite: 51 | Documenti Riservati Marcatura CEPermalink:

Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation ESPR   FAQ

Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR): FAQ / 25.09.2024

ID 22651 | 02.10.2024

Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This document provides answers to questions frequently asked by stakeholders related to Regulation (EU) 2024/1781 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for sustainable products (ESPR).

Any views expressed in this document are the preliminary views of the European Commission (EC) services and may not under any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the EC.

The information transmitted intends to clarify Regulation 2024/1781. Only the Court of Justice of the European Union is competent to authoritatively interpret EU law.



1. Scope of the ESPR
1.1. General Scope
1.2. Spare Parts and Components
1.3. Vehicles and Mobile Machinery (and components/(spare)parts thereof)
1.4. Miscellaneous Product Categories
1.5. Product Parameters in scope

2. ESPR Interplay with Other Regulations

3. ESPR Timeline and Application

4. Ecodesign Forum incl. Member State Expert Group
4.1. Establishment & Membership
4.2. Member States Expert Group
4.3. Transition between the Consultation Forum and the Ecodesign Forum

5. Digital Product Passport (DPP)
5.1. General questions on DPP - timeline, scope and content
5.2. DPP technical aspects
5.3. DPP Value chain aspects and complex products
5.4. DPP Compliance and Enforcement

6. Energy Label and ‘Old’ Ecodesign

7. Working plan and preparation of delegated acts
7.1. Working plan and product prioritisation
7.2. Preparation of delegated acts (general)
7.3. Preparation of delegated acts (specific product groups or aspects)
7.4. Delegated acts on intermediate products
7.5. Product Prioritisation report of the JRC

8. Methodology for Ecodesign of Energy-related Products (MEErP) and ESPR methodology, including Product Environmental Footprint (PEF)

9. Self-Regulation

10. Substances of Concern

11. Provisions on unsold consumer products

12. ESPR Label and classes of performance

13. Green Public Procurement (GPP)

14. Guidance, funding, SMEs & competitiveness

15. Online Marketplaces

16. Transition / Application

17. Enforcement & Market surveillance

18. Verification & Conformity

19. International & Trade


Fonte: EC


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