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Europe, Rome

ADR 2013 ONU lingua EN

ID 86 | | Visite: 7896 | ADR 2013Permalink:

ADR 2013 
ONU lingua EN

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
ADR applicable as from 1 January 2013

The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) was done at Geneva on 30 September 1957 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and it entered into force on 29 January 1968. The Agreement itself was amended by the Protocol amending article 14 (3) done at New York on 21 August 1975, which entered into force on 19 April 1985.

The Agreement itself is short and simple. The key article is the second, which say that apart from some excessively dangerous goods, other dangerous goods may be carried internationally in road vehicles subject to compliance with:

- the conditions laid down in Annex A for the goods in question, in particular as regards their packaging and labelling; and
- the conditions laid down in Annex B, in particular as regards the construction, equipment and operation of the vehicle carrying the goods in question.

Annexes A and B have been regularly amended and updated since the entry into force of ADR. Consequently to the amendments for entry into force on 1 January 2013, a revised consolidated version has been published as document ECE/TRANS/225, Vol. I and II ("ADR 2013").

The structure is consistent with that of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (of the International Maritime Organization), the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (of the International Civil Aviation Organization) and the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail). The lay-out is as follows:

Annex A: General provisions and provisions concerning dangerous articles and substances
Part 1    General provisions
Part 2    Classification
Part 3    Dangerous goods list, special provisions and exemptions related to limited and excepted quantities
Part 4    Packing and tank provisions
Part 5    Consignment procedures
Part 6    Requirements for the construction and testing of packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), large packagings and tanks
Part 7    Provisions concerning the conditions of carriage, loading, unloading and handling

Annex B: Provisions concerning transport equipment and transport operations
Part 8    Requirements for vehicle crews, equipment, operation and documentation
Part 9    Requirements concerning the construction and approval of vehicles

Applicability of ADR
Notwithstanding the transitional measures provided for in ADR 2013, which allow compliance with certain requirements contained in previous editions, the editions of ADR published by the United Nations which may be used for compliance are as follows:

Until 30 June 2013:                   2011 edition (ECE/TRANS/215, Vol. I and II), and corrigenda 1 and 2
As from 1 January 2013:            2013 edition (ECE/TRANS/225, Vol. I and II), and corrigendum 1.

View and download the full text of the ADR applicable as from 1 January 2013 as published (these pdf file contain bookmarks for browsing through the different parts and chapters):

1. Corrigendum 1

2. Volume I:
Agreement and Protocol of Signature; Annex A: Parts 1 and 2, Part 3 (Chapters 3.1 and 3.2, Dangerous Goods List and Alphabetical Index)

3. Volume II:
Annex A: Part 3 (Chapters 3.3 to 3.5), Parts 4 to 7; Annex B: Parts 8 and 9 

Copyright © United Nations, 2012.
All rights reserved 
NOTE: Depending on the computer used, some symbols, fonts or equations may not be correctly displayed. 
To comply with the requirements of ADR, refer to the UN official publication on paper.

Scarica questo file (ADR 2013 Update 02012013.pdf)ADR 2013
EN7757 kB1240

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