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Industrial Machinery Standards: NFPA 79 for North America in comparison to IEC / EN 60204-1 for Europe

ID 2062 | | Visite: 15851 | Documenti Marcatura CE AziendePermalink:

Industrial Machinery Standards: NFPA 79 for North America in comparison to IEC / EN 60204-1 for Europe

Update 11.11.2017 - IEC 60204-1:2016

NFPA 79 verses EN 60204-1

Despite certain similarities between the two Standards, it is important for European Manufacturers to understand the difference. For example, a machine built in accordance with NFPA 79 and supported by appropriate CE Marking documentation could theoretically be placed on the market in Europe.

However a machine built in accordance to EN 60204-1, would not be compliant with NFPA 79, and could not be installed in North America. This is because the requirements of NFPA 79 are significantly more detailed than those of EN 60204-1.

Intertek 2016

Scarica questo file (Machinery NFPA 79 v EN60204-1 2016.pdf)Machinery NFPA 79 v EN60204-1:2016
Intertek 2016
EN535 kB2376
Scarica questo file (Machinery NFPA 79 v EN 60204-1.pdf)Machinery NFPA 79 v EN 60204-1:2007
Intertek 2011
EN639 kB14798

Tags: Marcatura CE Direttiva macchine EN 60204-1

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