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Guideline FEM | Mobile Elevating Work Platform

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Guideline MEWP 03 2021

Guideline FEM | Mobile Elevating Work Platform

Guideline/Mobile Elevating Work Platform Information & suitability for the task of exiting and/or re-entering at height

First Edition - 17.03.2021

This document deals with criteria for the selection of a Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) for tasks which require exiting and/or re-entering at height (getting on and off the work platform at changing levels) and intends to give guidance on conditions for consideration for this purpose. Exiting and/or re-entering at height is not considered by the standard EN 2801 as intended use for MEWPs.

This document is primarily addressed to MEWP users who intend using a MEWP for exiting and/or reentering at height.

The document is addressed also to MEWP manufacturers, to provide them with useful information to help in applying the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (or Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 in the UK).

All the following references to EU Regulations are intended to apply also to UK Regulations.

Table of contents
0. Scope
1. Selection of a MEWP as Work Equipment
2. Conformity of the MEWP
3. How to determine what information related to the intended use of the MEWP is available
4. The workplace and safety procedures
Annex 1 - Non-exhaustive list of information that a user should consider for exiting and/or re-entering at height from a MEWP
Annex 2 - Indicative list of user evaluations


Fonte: FEM


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