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Raccolta Guide Direttiva Prodotti da Costruzione - CPD

ID 696 | | Visite: 7944 | Documenti Riservati Marcatura CEPermalink:

Raccolta Guide Direttiva Prodotti da Costruzione - CPD

Guida Direttiva Prodotti da Costruzione - CPD

1. Guidance Paper A - The designation of Approved Bodies in the field of the Construction Products Directive
2. Guidance Paper B - The definition of Factory Production Control in Technical Specifications for Construction Products
3. Guidance Paper C - The treatment of kits and systems under the Construction Products Directive
4. Guidance Paper D - CE Marking under the Construction Products Directive
5. Guidance Paper E - Levels and classes in the Construction Products Directive
6. Guidance Paper F - Durability and the Construction Products Directive
7. Guidance Paper G - The European classification system for the reaction to Fire Performance of Construction Products
8. Guidance Paper H - A Harmonised Approach relating to dangerous substances under the Construction Products Directive
9. Guidance Paper I - The application of Article 4(4) of the Construction Products Directive
10. Guidance Paper J - Transitional Arrangements under the Construction Products Directive
11. Guidance Paper K - The Attestation of Conformity Systems and the role and tasks of the Notified Bodies in the field of the Construction Products Directive
12. Guidance Paper L - Application and use of Eurocodes
13. Guidance Paper M - Conformity Assessment under the CPD: Initial type-testing and Factory production control

Scarica questo file (Guidance_CPD.pdf)Guidance_CPD
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