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Statement of Best Practices for Workplace Risk Assessment and Aerial Work Platform Equipment Selection

ID 1791 | | Visite: 4922 | Documenti Sicurezza EntiPermalink:

Statement of Best Practices for Workplace Risk Assessment and Aerial Work Platform Equipment Selection

The primary purpose of AWP equipment is to provide personnel temporary access to work at height - work that may involve risk from potential workplace hazards.

To increase the safe use of this equipment and reduce the risk associated with working at height, members of the industry recognized the need for a best practices document that offers information and guidance in identifying recognized common workplace hazards associated with AWP equipment use, developing and implementing appropriate control measures to limit the risk and then using the most appropriate piece of AWP equipment for the work intended.

While manufacturers’ operator’s manuals and applicable sections of the American National Standards Institute/Scaffold & Access Industry Association (ANSI/SAIA) A92 Standards and
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations must be followed for their requirements and recommendations, there is a need for AWP equipment stakeholders (dealers/rental companies, owners, users, and operators) to identify risks from potential workplace hazards and address them prior to the selection and operation of the most appropriate AWP equipment for the workplace environment and application.

This guide is intended to be a supplement to these regulations, standards and manufacturers’ recommendations and offers industry best practices regarding the implementation of workplace risk assessments and control measures as well as the process of selecting the most appropriate AWP equipment for the job at hand.

IPAF 2013

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