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Supporting the Evaluation of the Implementation of EMAS

ID 4284 | | Visite: 4691 | Documenti Ambiente UEPermalink:

Supporting the Evaluation of the Implementation of EMAS

The EMAS Regulation is evaluated at regular intervals. Based on these evaluations, the European Commission and EU Member States decide whether a revision of the scheme is necessary. The last revision took place in 2009 and resulted in the entry into force of the current EMAS Regulation No 1221/2009 (EMAS III).

The study Supporting the Evaluation of the Implementation of the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Regulation No 1221/2009 (Service contract No. 070307/2013/667137/SER/ENV.A1) was carried out for the European Commission by adelphi in partnership with S. Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSUP) with the support of a Technical Working Group consisting of core experts Kamen Chipev, Marcel van Meesche, Harri Moora and Maria Passalacqua.

Objectives and main elements of the study The EMAS Regulation is evaluated at regular intervals. Based on these evaluations, the European Commission and EU Member States decide whether a revision of the scheme is necessary. The last revision took place in 2009 and resulted in the entry into force of the current EMAS Regulation No 1221/2009 (EMAS III).

This study comprises both a backward and forward-looking exercise and its objectives are twofold:

1) to carry out an independent evaluation of the EMAS Regulation using the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, relevance and EU added value (ex-post analysis);
2) to develop and explore policy options for the future of the scheme and analyse their potential impacts with regard to the criteria mentioned above (ex-ante analysis). This final report details the work undertaken for the evaluation of EMAS and the assessment of future policy options.

To this end, an extensive review of academic and technical literature, surveys, interviews, case studies, environmental statement analysis and a workshop were conducted.

European Commission
June 2015


Regolamento (CE) 1221/2009 EMAS

Scarica questo file (Supporting the Evaluation of the Implementation of EMAS.pdf)Supporting the Evaluation of the Implementation of EMAS
UE 2015
EN5022 kB1662

Tags: Ambiente EMAS

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