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ISO/DIS 4126-3 | Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure

ID 9024 | | Visite: 2461 | News NormazionePermalink:

safety valves

ISO/DIS 4126-3 | Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure

Part 3: safety valves and bursting disc safety devices in combination

This part of ISO 4126 specifies only the requirements for a product assembled from the in series combination of safety valves or CSPRS (controlled safety pressure relief systems) according to ISO 4126-1, ISO 4126-4 and ISO 4126-5, and bursting disc safety devices according to ISO 4126-2 installed upstream of the valve within five pipe diameters of the valve inlet. It specifies the design, application and marking requirements for such products, composed of the bursting disc safety device, a safety valve or CSPRS and, where applicable, a connecting pipe or spool piece. In addition, it gives a method for establishing the combination discharge factor used in sizing combinations.

Status: Under development

ICS: 13.240 Protection against excessive pressure

Life cycle

Fonte: ISO


Tags: Normazione Norme ISO

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