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Fire Safety Engineering (FSE): le norme di riferimento

ID 23500 | | Visite: 824 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

Fire Safety Engineering  FSE  le norme di riferimento

Fire Safety Engineering (FSE): le norme di riferimento ISO / Status Febb. 2025

ID 23500 | 23.02.2025 / List in attachment (EN)

Standard and/or project under the direct responsibility of ISO/TC 92/SC 4 Secretariat

ISO/TS 13447:2013
Fire safety engineering - Guidance for use of fire zone models
ISO/TR 16576:2017
Fire safety engineering - Examples of fire safety objectives, functional requirements and safety criteria
ISO 16730-1:2015
Fire safety engineering - Procedures and requirements for verification and validation of calculation methods - Part 1: General
ISO/TR 16730-2:2013
Fire safety engineering - Assessment, verification and validation of calculation methods - Part 2: Example of a fire zone model
ISO/TR 16730-3:2013
Fire safety engineering - Assessment, verification and validation of calculation methods - Part 3: Example of a CFD model
ISO/TR 16730-4:2013
Fire safety engineering - Assessment, verification and validation of calculation methods - Part 4: Example of a structural model
ISO/TR 16730-5:2013
Fire safety engineering - Assessment, verification and validation of calculation methods - Part 5: Example of an Egress model
ISO 16732-1:2012
Fire safety engineering - Fire risk assessment - Part 1: General
ISO/TR 16732-2:2012
Fire Safety Engineering - Fire risk assessment - Part 2: Example of an office building
ISO/TR 16732-3:2013
Fire safety engineering - Fire risk assessment - Part 3: Example of an industrial property
ISO 16733-1:2024
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design fire scenarios and design fires - Part 1: Selection of design fire scenarios
ISO/TS 16733-2:2021
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design fire scenarios and design fires - Part 2: Design fires
ISO/TR 16738:2009
Fire-safety engineering - Technical information on methods for evaluating behaviour and movement of people
ISO/TS 17886:2024
Fire safety engineering - Design of evacuation experiments
ISO/TR 20413:2021
Fire safety engineering - Survey of performance-based fire safety design practices in different countries
ISO 20414:2020
Fire safety engineering - Verification and validation protocol for building fire evacuation models
ISO 20710-1:2022
Fire safety engineering - Active fire protection systems - Part 1: General principles
ISO/TS 21602:2022
Fire safety engineering - Estimating the reduction in movement speed based on visibility and irritant species concentration
ISO 23932-1:2018
Fire safety engineering - General principles - Part 1: General
ISO/TR 23932-2:2020
Fire safety engineering - General principles - Part 2: Example of a dry-cleaning store
ISO 24678-1:2019
Fire safety engineering - Requirements governing algebraic formulae - Part 1: General requirements
ISO 24678-2:2022
Fire safety engineering - Requirements governing algebraic formulae - Part 2: Fire plume
ISO 24678-3:2022
Fire safety engineering - Requirements governing algebraic formulae - Part 3: Ceiling jet flows
ISO 24678-4:2023
Fire safety engineering - Requirements governing algebraic formulae - Part 4: Smoke layers
ISO 24678-5:2023
Fire safety engineering - Requirements governing algebraic formulae - Part 5: Vent flows
ISO 24678-6:2016
Fire safety engineering - Requirements governing algebraic formulae - Part 6: Flashover related phenomena
ISO 24678-7:2019
Fire safety engineering - Requirements governing algebraic formulae - Part 7: Radiation heat flux received from an open pool fire
ISO 24678-9:2022
Fire safety engineering - Requirements governing algebraic formulae - Part 9: Ejected flame from an opening
ISO 24679-1:2019
Fire safety engineering - Performance of structures in fire - Part 1: General
ISO/TR 24679-2:2017
Fire safety engineering - Performance of structure in fire - Part 2: Example of an airport terminal
ISO/TR 24679-3:2015
Fire safety engineering - Performance of structure in fire - Part 3: Example of an open car park
ISO/TR 24679-4:2017
Fire safety engineering - Performance of structures in fire - Part 4: Example of a fifteen-storey steel-framed office building
ISO/TR 24679-5:2023
Fire safety engineering - Performance of structures in fire - Part 5: Example of a timber building in Canada
ISO/TR 24679-6:2017
Fire safety engineering - Performance of structures in fire - Part 6: Example of an eight-storey office concrete building
ISO/TR 24679-8:2022
Fire safety engineering - Performance of structures in fire - Part 8: Example of a probabilistic assessment of a concrete building
ISO/TS 29761:2015
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design occupant behavioural scenarios


Fonte: ISO

Certifico Srl - IT | Rev. 0.0 2025
©Copia autorizzata Abbonati


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