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ISO 18878:2025 Mobile elevating work platforms - Operator training

ID 23303 | | Visite: 608 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO 18878 2025 Mobile elevating work platforms   Operator training

ISO 18878:2025 Mobile elevating work platforms - Operator training (Ed. 3 2025)

ID 23303 | 15.01.2024 / Preview attached

This document provides requirements for training material content and the administration of standardized training to operators of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs).

It is applicable to MEWPs, as defined in ISO 16368, intended for moving person(s), along with their necessary tools and materials to an elevated work location.

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 214, Elevating work platforms.

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 18878:2013), which has been technically revised.

The main changes are as follows:

- the title was changed to remove the term “(driver)”;
- in the Introduction, reference to TC 214 was removed;
- in the Scope, the opening statement was clarified for accuracy and readability;
- in Clause 3, additional terms were added to support use of these terms throughout the document;
- in Clause 4, text was added to ensure safe use requirements are also used in the training process;
- in Clause 5, the existing language was replaced by the contents of former Clause 7;
- in Clause 6, requirements for familiarization were removed as they are now found in ISO 18893;
- in the annexes, the term "examiner" was replaced by "trainer".

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete listing of these bodies can be found at


This document is one of a group of standards for mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs), as part of a programme of work regarding standardization of terminology and general principles for training operators of elevating work platforms used to raise (elevate), and position personnel (and related work tools and materials) to a work position where a work task is to be performed. Local jurisdictions can use this document to develop detailed training requirements particular to the local conditions.

1   Scope

This document provides requirements for training material content and the administration of standardized training to operators of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs).

It is applicable to MEWPs, as defined in ISO 16368, intended for moving person(s), along with their necessary tools and materials to an elevated work location.

NOTE National or other regulations, which could be more stringent, can apply.
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