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ISO 16733-1:2024

ID 22830 | | Visite: 293 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO 16733 1 2024   FSE   Selection of design fire scenarios

ISO 16733-1:2024 / FSE Fire Safety EngineeringSelection of design fire scenarios (Edition 2, 2024)

ID 22830 | 30.10.2024 / Preview attached

ISO 16733-1:2024
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design fire scenarios and design fires
Part 1: Selection of design fire scenarios

This document describes a methodology for the selection of design fire scenarios for use in fire-safety engineering analyses of any built environment, including

- buildings,
- structures, and
- transportation systems.

This document specifies procedures for selecting a manageable number of design fire scenarios using a qualitative or semi-quantitative approach.

See ISO 16732-1 for a full quantitative approach using risk assessment.

Selection of the fire scenarios requiring analysis is critical in fire-safety engineering. The number of possible fire scenarios in any built environment (a building or other structure) can be very large and it is not always possible to quantify them all. In order for these fire scenarios to be made amenable to analysis, they are reduced from this large set of possibilities to a small set of design fire scenarios.

The characterization of a fire scenario comprises a description of fire initiation, the growth phase, the fully-developed phase, decay and extinction, together with the likely smoke and fire spread routes. This includes a description of the interaction with the proposed fire protection features for the built environment. The possible consequences of each fire scenario should be considered.

This document introduces a methodology for the selection of design fire scenarios that is tailored to the fire-safety design objectives. Several fire-safety objectives can be addressed, including safety of life (for occupants and rescue personnel), conservation of property, protection of the environment and preservation of heritage. A different set of design fire scenarios can be required to assess the adequacy of a proposed design for each objective.

Following selection of the design fire scenarios, a description of the assumed characteristics of the fire on which the scenario quantification is based is needed. These assumed fire characteristics are referred to as “the design fire”. The design fire should be appropriate to the objectives of the fire-safety engineering analysis and result in a design solution that is commensurate with credible worst case scenarios.

Users of this document should be appropriately qualified and competent in the fields of fire-safety engineering and risk assessment. Users need to understand the parameters within which specific methodologies can be used.

ISO 23932-1 provides a performance-based methodology for engineers to assess the level of fire safety for new or existing built environments. Fire safety is evaluated through an engineered approach which is based on the quantification of the behaviour of fire and on knowledge of the consequences of such behaviour on life, property, heritage and the environment. ISO 23932-1 provides the process (necessary steps) and essential elements to design a robust, performance-based fire-safety programme.

ISO 23932-1 is supported by a set of fire-safety engineering standards on the methods and data needed for the steps in a fire-safety engineering design. It is summarized in ISO 23932-1:2018, Clause 4 and shown in Figure 1.

The following International Standards on fire-safety engineering are tied to the steps in the fire safety engineering design process outlined in ISO 23932-1: ISO 16730-1, ISO 16732-1, ISO 20414, ISO 20710-1, ISO 24678-1, ISO 24678-2, ISO 24678-3, ISO 24678-4, ISO 24678-5, ISO 24678-6, ISO 24678-7, ISO 24678-9 and ISO 24679-1.
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