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ISO/TR 23932-2:2020 Fire safety engineering - General principles - Part 2: Example of a dry-cleaning store

ID 10517 | | Visite: 2621 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO/TR 23932-2:2020 (UNI 2023)

ID 10517 | Update news 12.07.2024

ISO/TR 23932-2:2020
Fire safety engineering - General principles - Part 2: Example of a dry-cleaning store

This document gives a complete example to illustrate ISO 23932-1. The following chart is an outline of the fire safety engineering (FSE) process (design, implementation and maintenance) of a built environment, as described in ISO 23932-1.

Adozione UNI

UNI ISO/TR 23932-2:2023
Ingegneria della sicurezza contro l'incendio - Principi generali - Parte 2: Esempio di negozio di lavaggio a secco

Data disponibilità: 23 febbraio 2023

ISO TR 23932 2 2020

a See also ISO/TR 16576 (Examples).
b See also ISO 16732-1, ISO 16733-1, ISO/TS 29761.
c See also ISO 16732-1, ISO 16733-1, ISO/TS 29761.
d See also ISO/TS 13447, ISO 16730-1, ISO/TR 16730-2 to 5 (Examples), ISO 16734, ISO 16735, ISO 16736, ISO 16737, ISO/TR 16738, ISO 24678-6.
e See also ISO/TR 16738, ISO 16733-1.

NOTE Documents linked to large parts of the FSE process: ISO 16732-1, ISO 16733-1, ISO 24679-1, ISO/TS 29761, ISO/TR 16732-2 to 3 (Examples), ISO/TR 24679-2 to 4 and 6 (Examples).

Figure 1 - Flow chart illustrating the fire safety engineering process (design, implementation and maintenance) as per ISO 23932-1:2018Figure 1

1  Scope

This document provides a complete example to illustrate ISO 23932-1 The example is a dry-cleaning store, for which the fire safety objective is life safety, for both people located inside or outside the shop, in the event of a fire within the shop.

NOTE Generally, an FSE study is not needed for such a small shop. However, this example was chosen to demonstrate the application of ISO 23932-1 in detail while keeping the documentation provided sufficiently brief.
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