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ISO 16321-1:2021

ID 14767 | | Visite: 4626 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO 16321 1 2021

ISO 16321-1:2021 / 1a Ed. March 2021

ID 14747 | 18.10.2021 / In allegato Preview

ISO 16321-1:2021
Eye and face protection for occupational use - General requirements

1 Scope
This document specifies general requirements for eye and face protectors. These protectors are intended to provide protection for the eyes and faces of persons against one or more common occupational hazards such as impacts from flying particles and fragments, optical radiation, dusts, splashing liquids, molten metals, heat, flame, hot solids, harmful gases, vapours and aerosols.
Additional requirements for eye and face protectors used during welding and related techniques and for mesh protectors are given in ISO 16321-2 and ISO 16321-3, respectively.

This document applies to:

— all plano as well as corrective and prescription lensed protectors and components;
— those eye and face protectors used for occupational-type tasks that are performed similarly to an occupation, e.g. "do-it-yourself";
— those eye and face protectors used in educational establishments.

This document does not apply to:

— protectors specifically intended for protection against only solar radiation and used in non-occupational environments for which the ISO 12312 series applies;
— protectors for medically prescribed applications (not occupational), e.g. eye protection for severe dry eye, tints prescribed for medical conditions;
— patient eye protectors during diagnosis or treatment (e.g. ISO/TR 22463);
— protectors for use during medical or e.g. aesthetic applications, e.g. intense light sources (ILS) for which the ISO 12609 series applies;
— protectors specifically intended for sports for which the ISO 18527 series applies;
— laser protectors;
— face protectors intended for live-working to protect against short-circuit electric arcs for which IEC 62819 applies;
Riferimento europeo: UNI EN 10912:2000
UNI EN 10912:2000 “Dispositivi di protezione individuale - Guida per la selezione, l'uso e la manutenzione dei dispositivi di protezione individuale degli occhi e del viso per attività lavorative”

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