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IWA 31:2020 Risk management - Guidelines ISO 31000

ID 10515 | | Visite: 3660 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

IWA 31:2020 Risk management - Guidelines on using ISO 31000 in management systems

This document gives guidelines for integrating and using ISO 31000 in organizations that have implemented one or more ISO and IEC Management System Standards (MSS), or that have decided to undertake a project implementing one or more MSS incorporating ISO 31000.

This document explains how the clauses of ISO 31000 relate to the high level structure (HLS) for MSS.

This document does not provide guidance on implementing a management system in general. It does not specify requirements of a MSS. It does not provide a summary of ISO 31000; however, it does, as explained above, provide the background for understanding ISO 31000. Using this document does not remove the need to use other standards to address specific aspects of risk.

IWA - International Workshop Agreement

An International Workshop Agreement is a document developed outside the normal ISO committee system to enable market players to negotiate in an “open workshop” environment. International Workshop Agreements are typically administratively supported by a member body. The published agreement includes an indication of the participating organizations involved in its development. An International Workshop Agreement has a maximum lifespan of six years, after which it can be either transformed into another ISO deliverable or is automatically withdrawn.


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