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Evaluation study Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU | Orgalime

ID 7658 | | Visite: 3707 | Documenti Marcatura CE ENTIPermalink:

LVD Stakeholder Survey   Orgalime answer

Orgalim answer to the stakeholder survey for the evaluation study of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU

The Low Voltage Directive (LVD) ensures the free circulation of electrical products (in the voltage range between 50 V. AC/ 75 V. DC and 1000 V. AC/ 1500 V. DC) on the EU market, provided that these comply with essential safety requirements for all users. In place since 1973, the LVD was the first European Directive to adopt the ‘New Approach’ regulatory model and has provided industry with a stable means of demonstrating legal compliance while upholding a high level of health and safety ever since. 

The technology sectors represented by Orgalim place great value on the fact that despite changes in technology over the years, the core elements of the LVD have remained unchanged. 

Our industry firmly believes that the LVD remains fit for purpose. Orgalim’s comments on the roadmap underline this belief by addressing a number of key points. 

To read the key points and Orgalim's answer to the stakeholder survey in full, please download the document above. 

Orgalim 24 January 2019


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