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European ATEX Guidelines for the Valve Industry

ID 1581 | | Visite: 7259 | Documenti Marcatura CE ENTIPermalink:

European ATEX Guidelines for the Valve Industry

These Guidelines are professional ones, they complete or precise those published by the European Commission in July 2005. 
Their aim is to fix common interpretations within the European Valve Industry for issues that have still not yet been clarified. 
These points are detailed in Part B of this document, Part A being a reminder of the general ATEX concepts.

The European Valve Industry

The valve industry in Europe is a powerful and responsible industry. Annually it contributes 19 billion Euro to the European economy (source: Eurostat – data for 2009).

Our people are employed as both white collar and blue collar workers. In France alone there are 12,500 employees(source Profluid).

They create for consumers and business actors valued products such as safety or relief valves, taps, cocks and valves for sinks or water cisterns, central heating radiator thermostatic valves and pressure-reducing valves.

CEIR represents 14 National Associations with a total of 340 Member Companies (95 in the sanitary valves sector, 60 in building valves and 185 in industrial valves).

The European Committee for the Valve Industry

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