Industry Guidelines for the Security of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road
Security measures should be an integral part of the safety and quality management system of every company involved with the transport of dangerous goods.
The general requirements of ADR Chapter 1.10 are mandatory. However, the specific ways they are addressed will depend upon the individual circumstances of the undertakings in a particular transport chain and their assessment of the risks and possible outcomes. For example, the measures taken by a company located in a residential area or adjacent to a strategic transport corridor could be very different to one located or operating in open country.
These Guidelines have been designed by industry to provide as comprehensive a range of technical and operational options as possible, from which users can select their optimum mix of options to achieve compliance with the regulatory requirements of Chapter 1.10.
This document is intended for information only and sets out guidelines for the security of the transport of dangerous goods by road.
The information contained in these Guidelines is provided in good faith and, while it is accurate as far as the authors are aware, no representations or warranties are made about its completeness. It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to all detailed aspects of the security of the transport of dangerous goods by road. No responsibility will be assumed by the authors in relation to the information contained in these Guidelines.
AEGPL (European LPG Association) AISE (International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products) CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council) CEPE (European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink and Artists’ Colours Industry) ECTA (European Chemical Transport Association) EIGA (European Industrial Gases Association) FEA (European Aerosol federation) FECC (European Association of Chemical Distributors) Fertilizers Europe (formerly European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association, EFMA) FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations) IRU (International Road Transport Union)
European Commission Transport Dangerous Goods by Road January 2013
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