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Industry Guidelines for the security of the transport of Dangerous Goods by Road - CEFIC

ID 1295 | | Visite: 9735 | Documenti Riservati Trasporto ADRPermalink:

ADR 2013: Security

Industry Guidelines for the  security of the transport of Dangerous Goods by Road

Following the events of September 11 2001, international legislators considered it necessary to develop and implement measures regarding security for the transportation of goods by road, rail and inland waterways against possible terrorist risks. 

On the basis of relevant UN recommendations security provisions – as opposed to classic safety provisions – have been listed in a new ADR Chapter 1.10 and address all parties involved in the transport chain. 

These measures took effect on January 1st, 2005 and had to be implemented at the end of the usual 6-months transition period on July 1st, 2005. 

Since then a limited number of amendments have been adopted and have been incorporated into an updated version of these Guidelines in 2010, aligning them to ADR 2011. 

In ADR 2013 the requirements for high consequence radioactive material have been separated from these for high consequence substances of other classes and this has been reflected in the 2013 version of these Guidelines, without affecting the guidance itself. 

The current revised Guidelines therefore are in line with ADR 2013. 

CEFIC 2013

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