Calculation of Harm and No-Harm Distances storage and use of toxic gases in transportable containers
ID 3728 | | Visite: 4192 | Documenti Chemicals Enti | Permalink: |
The Calculation of Harm and No-Harm Distances for the Storage and Use of Toxic Gases in Transportable Containers
The objective of the document is to help EIGA members and their customers in their dealings with authorities in order to obtain permits for the safe storage and use of toxic gases in transportable containers, in particular in countries where “harm” and “no harm” effect distances are not defined in standards or regulations.
The “harm” and “no harm” distances are calculated in the document by using the gas dispersion modelling software PHAST®. PHAST is referred to in EIGA Document 75 “Determination of Safety Distances” and is recognised by several regulators and authorities within the EU member states.
The document defines “harm” and “no harm” distances for most common toxic gases in most common containers and for different weather conditions. It should enable the reader to determine harm and no harm distances for other cases.
A new paragraph has been added in the Introduction of the 2017 edition of the document in order to draw the attention of the reader that the methodology described in the document should only be used by qualified personnel. Qualified personnel are those who have sufficient training and experience in hazard identification and risk assessment on one side and/or in the use of dispersion models on the other side. The collaboration of several experts in different skills may be necessary.
EIGA 2017