ECHA Annual report 2023
ID 21942 | | Visite: 1012 | Documenti Chemicals ECHA | Permalink: |
ECHA Annual report 2023
ID 21942 | 28.05.2024
With 2023 the last year of our strategic plan 2019-2023, we concluded the delivery of our strategic objectives and performed the planned activities specified in our Work Programme. This year also saw us commence work on implementation of the new regulatory tasks assigned to the Agency under the Drinking Water Directive, the Batteries Regulation and the Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health Regulation. We also continued to deliver our legal mandate across the wide range of chemical legislation under our remit.
Two key deliverables under our strategic plan were the Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS) and the Joint Evaluation Action Plan (JEAP) and these are relevant to both the REACH and CLP regulations. Identification and prioritisation of substances and groups of substances for risk management actions is central to our Integrated Regulatory Strategy. In 2023, we made further strides in understanding the data on substances in our database with some 92% of substances registered above 100 tonnes now assessed.
Another important aspect of the IRS is to identify substances or groups of substances for which generation of data under dossier or substance evaluation may be needed.
These substances are considered under the JEAP, which sets targets for checking the compliance of registration dossiers. In 2023, we performed 301 compliance checks under dossier evaluation. With the conclusion of our strategic plan in 2023, reviews of both the IRS and JEAP took place, the outcomes of which will be used to determine the next steps for implementation of our new strategic goals and priorities.
Fonte: ECHA
Tags: Chemicals