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GPP criteria for road transport

ID 15554 | | Visite: 2634 | Documenti Ambiente UEPermalink:

GPP criteria for road transport EU

GPP criteria for road transport / EU 2021 - Versione IT 2022

ID 15554 | 25.01.2022 / Documento allegato

The EU GPP identifies categories of vehicles and services. For the purchase, renting or leasing of vehicles, it sets criteria on the vehicle itself. For the purchase or outsourcing of services, criteria on vehicles are set on the fleet, e.g. setting a share of the fleet that must comply with a specific criterion.

The revised CVD sets a definition of 'clean vehicle' and sets minimum procurement targets for the share of clean vehicles in the total number of covered by contracts of purchase, renting, leasing of vehicles and service contracts. Besides, it sets specific targets for zero emissions buses.


Tags: Ambiente Abbonati Ambiente GPP

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