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BREF for the Textiles Industry

ID 8727 | | Visite: 3202 | Legislazione inquinamentoPermalink:

BAT Textiles Industry

Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Textiles Industry

- July 2003
- Dicembre 2019 (Dradt 1)
- March 2022 (Final Draft)

This BREF addresses installations for the pretreatment (operations such as washing, bleaching, mercerisation) or dyeing of fibres or textiles. Particular attention is given to the following processes:

- fibre preparation
- pretreatment
- dyeing
- printing
- finishing.

Upstream processes which may have a significant influence on the environmental impact of the subsequent wet processing activities are also briefly described. The backing of carpets is also included.

All main textile fibre types, namely natural fibres, man-made fibres derived from natural polymers such as viscose and cellulose acetate as well as man-made fibres derived from synthetic polymers are described, including their blends.


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Allegato riservato BREF Textiles Industry 2019 Draft 1.pdf
EU 2019 Draft 1
30480 kB 6
Allegato riservato BREF for the Textiles Industry.pdf
4829 kB 14

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