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Measuring Occupational Stress: Development of the Pressure Management Indicator

ID 22859 | | Visite: 150 | Documenti Riservati SicurezzaPermalink:

Measuring Occupational Stress: Development of the Pressure Management Indicator

ID 22859 | 03.11.2024 / In allegato

The study of occupational stress is hindered by the lack of compact and comprehensive standardized measurement tools.

The Pressure Management Indicator (PMI) is a 120-item self-report questionnaire developed from the Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI). The PMI is more reliable, more comprehensive, and shorter than the OSI.

It provides an integrated measure of the major dimensions of occupational stress.

The outcome scales measure job satisfaction, organizational satisfaction, organizational security, organizational commitment, anxietydepression, resilience, worry, physical symptoms, and exhaustion.

The stressor scales cover pressure from workload, relationships, career development, managerial responsibility, personal responsibility, home demands, and daily hassles. The moderator variables measure drive, impatience,
control, decision latitude, and the coping strategies of problem focus, life work balance, and social support.


Stephen Williams - Cary L. Cooper 1998

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