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Applications manual for the revisid niosh lifting equation

ID 1021 | | Visite: 10634 | Documenti Sicurezza EntiPermalink:

Applications manual for the revisid niosh lifting equation / RNLE 1994

ID 1021 | 18.08.2016

This Manual was developed to provide users of the revised NIOSH lifting equation (1991 version) with methods for accurately applying the lifting equation to a variety of lifting tasks.

All necessary terms, definitions, and data requirements for the revised equation are provided in Section 1.  Procedures for analyzing single-task and multi-task lifting jobs are described in Section 2.
A series of ten lifting tasks is included in Section 3 to illustrate application of the procedure.

For each task, a brief job description is provided, follow by a job analysis, and a hazard assessment, including a completed Suggestions for redesign of the task are also provided.

Thomas R Waters, Ph.D.
Vern Putz-Anderson, Ph.D.
Anm Garg, Ph.D.

Public Health Service
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Division of Biomedical and Behavioral Science
Cincinnati, Ohio 45226
January 1994


Applications manual for the revisid niosh lifting equation / RNLE 2021


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