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UNI EN 620:2022

ID 22814 | | Visite: 542 | Documenti UNIPermalink:

UNI EN 620 2022

UNI EN 620:2022 / Requisiti di sicurezza e per trasportatori a nastro fissi per materiali sfusi

ID 22814 | 28.10.2024 / In allegato Preview

Attrezzature e sistemi di movimentazione continua - Requisiti di sicurezza e per trasportatori a nastro fissi per materiali sfusi

Data disponibilità: 27 gennaio 2022

La norma tratta i requisiti tecnici per i trasportatori a nastro fissi progettati per il trasporto continuo di materiali sfusi.


La norma, di tipo C secondo UNI EN ISO 12100, con la Decisione di esecuzione (UE) 2023/1586 è armonizzata per la Direttiva 2006/42/CE Macchine.


This European Standard is a type C standard as stated in EN ISO 12100:2010.

The products concerned and the extent to which hazards are covered are indicated in the scope of this document.

While producing this document it was assumed that:
- For specific purpose machinery, clarifications occur between the manufacturer and the purchaser concerning particular conditions for the operation and location of the machinery (typically considering adjacent machinery, means of access, guarding concept, control systems, etc) related to health and safety. An agreement is needed between the manufacturer and purchaser about belt material, considering specific risk e.g. fire and the establishment of zones;
- only suitably trained persons operate this machinery;
- the machinery will be kept in good repair and working order, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, to retain specified health and safety characteristics throughout its working life;
- the place of installation is adequately illuminated;
- the place of installation will allow safe operation of the machinery;
- by design of the load bearing elements, the safe operation of the system and components is ensured for loading ranging from zero to 100 % of the rated capacities and during testing;
- all parts of the machinery without specific requirements, will be:
a) made from materials of adequate strength and durability and of suitable quality for their intended purpose;
b) designed in accordance with the usual engineering practice and engineering codes, taking account of all failure modes and incorporating appropriate safety factors;

- the establishment of the different zones is defined between the user and the manufacturer.

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