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UNI EN 474-1:2022

ID 17515 | | Visite: 4424 | Documenti UNIPermalink:

UNI EN 474 1 2022

UNI EN 474-1:2022 / Requisiti generali di sicurezza macchine movimento terra

ID 17515 | 05.09.2022 / Preview in allegato

UNI EN 474-1:2022
Macchine movimento terra - Sicurezza - Parte 1: Requisiti generali

Pubblicazione UNI: 21 luglio 2022

La norma specifica i requisiti generali di sicurezza per le macchine movimento terra descritte nella UNI EN ISO 6165:2012, ad esclusione delle trivelle direzionali orizzontali. La norma fornisce i requisiti di sicurezza comuni per le famiglie di macchine movimento terra ed è destinata ad essere utilizzata insieme alle parti pertinenti della UNI EN 474-2 alla UNI EN 474-13. Queste parti specifiche della macchina (dalla UNI EN 474-2 alla UNI EN 474−13) non ripetono i requisiti della UNI EN 474-1:2022 ma integrano o modificano i requisiti per la famiglia in questione.
Abstract EN

This document supersedes EN 474-1:2006+A6:2019

The main differences between this document and EN 474-1:2006+A6:2019 are as follows:

a) safety-related functions of control systems (excluded);
b) requirements for demolition machinery (deleted);
c) requirements for attachments, multi-purpose and derivative machinery (deleted);
d) normative references (updated);
e) cab requirements for non-compact machines (added);
f) lifting requirements and fitness for purpose (added);
g) recovery, TARP, tying down lifting and transporting requirements (modified);
h) electrical and electronic systems requirements (modified);
i) quick couplers requirements (modified);
j) verification methods table (Clause 5) (added);
k) requirements for no-text safety signs (deleted);
l) requirements for moveable operator’s station (modified);
m) requirements for rollers, addressed in a new part 13 (added);
n) list of significant hazards (Annex A) (modified);
o) Annex ZA (modified).

EN 474 “Earth-moving machinery — Safety” comprises the following parts:

- Part 1: General requirements
- Part 2: Requirements for tractor-dozers
- Part 3: Requirements for loaders
- Part 4: Requirements for backhoe-loaders
- Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators
- Part 6: Requirements for dumpers
- Part 7: Requirements for scrapers
- Part 8: Requirements for graders
- Part 9: Requirements for pipelayers
- Part 10: Requirements for trenchers
- Part 11: Requirements for earth and landfill compactors
- Part 12: Requirements for cable excavators
- Part 13: Requirements for rollers

To confer a presumption of conformity with the relevant essential requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC, this standard (providing general/common requirements for a whole machine family) has to be applied together with one of those standards as specified in the scope (providing specific requirements for a particular category of machinery within this family), once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Communities under Directive 2006/42/EC.
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