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ISO/PAS 5672:2023 / Test methods for measuring forces and pressures in human-robot contacts

ID 20912 | | Visite: 1888 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO PAS 5672 2023   Test methods for measuring forces and pressures in human robot contacts

ISO/PAS 5672:2023 / Test methods for measuring forces and pressures in human-robot contacts

ID 20912 | 07.12.2023 / Publicly Available Specification First edition 2023-11 / Preview attached

ISO/PAS 5672:2023
Robotics - Collaborative applications - Test methods for measuring forces and pressures in human-robot contacts

This document specifies methods of measuring forces and pressures in physical human-robot contacts. It also specifies methods for analyzing the measured forces and pressures. It further specifies the characteristics of pressure-force measurement devices (PFMD).
This document applies to collaborative applications deployed in an industrial or service environment for professional use.
This document does not apply to non-professional robots (i.e. consumer robots) or medical robots, although the measurement methods presented can be applied in these areas, if deemed appropriate. Additionally, this document does not apply to organizational aspects for performing contact measurements (e.g. responsibilities or data management), assessment of other mechanical contact types (e.g. friction or shearing), assessment of other contact-related hazards (e.g. falling, electrical or chemical hazards). Further, this document does not set requirements for specific PFMD-design or specify methods to identify contact hazards.


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