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ISO 4789:2023

ID 20329 | | Visite: 1532 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO 4789   Linee guida per il trattamento e il riutilizzo delle acque reflue nelle centrali termoelettriche

ISO 4789:2023 / Guidelines for wastewater treatment and reuse in thermal power plants

ID 20329 | 05.09.2023 / Preview in allegato (First edition 06.2023)

ISO 4789:2023
Guidelines for wastewater treatment and reuse in thermal power plants

This document specifies guidelines for wastewater treatment and reuse in thermal power plants, including the types and characteristics of wastewater and the technologies of wastewater treatment and reuse. In this document, thermal power plant drainage systems are divided into fuel supply, chemical water treatment, boiler and auxiliary, recirculating cooling, flue gas processing, gasification scrubber and ash handling.

Wastewater from these systems is classified in accordance with its system sources. In addition, technical guidelines for wastewater treatment and reuse are provided according to the water requirements of systems in the thermal power plant. This document is formulated to provide feasible technical guidance for the treatment and reuse of wastewater in thermal power plants.

It is applicable to coal-fired, oil-fired, gas-fired (including gas turbine), biomass-fired, waste incineration and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) thermal power plants.

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