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Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection for Machines and Equipment Part 2: Conveyors, transfers and receiver

ID 2102 | | Visite: 8207 | Documenti Marcatura CE ENTIPermalink:

Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection for Machines and Equipment

Part 2: Conveyors, transfers and receivers

Collection of Examples - EN/DE

The compendium shall facilitate the responsible persons in the enterprises to assess the explosion risk when selecting and using machines and systems in explosive areas as described in this brochure and to decide on the protective devices in accordance with the risk assessment.

This part is a continuation of the ”Collection of Examples Part 1: Mills, crushers, mixers, separators, screeners” of the brochure ”Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection for Machines and Equipment“.

As described in various ISSA brochures, especially “Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection for Machines and Equipment - Basic Principles” (ISSA, 2004, Mannheim, ISBN 92-843-7129-5), both preventive and protective measures can be applied, as single measures or in combination.

In the following chapters typical dust explosion hazards and possible preventive and protective measures will be discussed for various machinery and installations.

In this brochure it is assumed that hybrid mixtures are not present.

This means that no flammable gases or vapours with a concentration of more than 20 vol. -% of the lower explosion limit (LEL) are present.

ISSA 2015

Dust Explosion Protection for Machines and Equipment - Collection of Examples Part 1: Mills, crushers, mixers, separators, screeners

Descrizione Livello Dimensione Downloads
Allegato riservato Staubexplosionsschutz an Maschinen und Apparaten Teil 2 Stetigförderer, Übergabestellen und Empfangsbehälter - Beispielsammlung.pdf
Beispielsammlung - Teil 2 Stetigförderer, Übergabestellen und Empfangsbehälter - ISSA 2004
15474 kB 34
Allegato riservato Collection of Examples Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection for Machines and Equipment - Part 2 Conveyors transfers and receivers.pdf
Collection of Examples - Part 2: Conveyors, transfers and receivers - ISSA 2015
18163 kB 179

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