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Verbali del gruppo di lavoro ATEX 1997-2018

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Verbali del gruppo di lavoro ATEX 1997 2018

Verbali del gruppo di lavoro ATEX 1997-2018

Update Settembre 2019

Consolidated minutes of the meetings of the working group of the ATEX Directives 94/9/EC and 2014/34/EU committee

This document includes the consolidated minutes of the meetings held from October 1997 until February 2018 (37 meetings).

I. 28-29 October 1997
II. 23-24 June 1998
III. 1 December 1998
IV. 8-9 June 1999
V. 9 March 2000
VI. 8 December 2000
VII. 28-29 June 2001
VIII. 27 March 2002
IX. 6-7 February 2003
X. 4 December 2003
XI. 8 July 2004
XII. 2 December 2004
XIII. 30 June 2005
XIV. 1 December 2005
XV. 29 June 2006
XVI. 30 November 2006
XVII. 10 July 2007
XVIII. 22 November 2007
XIX. 25 June 2008
XX. 23 January 2009
XXI. 22 June 2009
XXII. 16 December 2009
XXIII. 7 July 2010
XXIV. 21 January 2011
XXV. 1 July 2011
XXVI. 21 February 2012
XXVII. 12 July 2012
XXVIII. 19 February 2013
XXIX. 10 July 2013
XXX. 26 February 2014
XXXI. 8 July 2014
XXXII. 17 February 2015
XXXIII. 1 October 2015
XXXIV. 18 February 2016
XXXV. 5 July 2016
XXXVI. 11 July 2017
XXXVII. 7 February 2018
XXXVIII. 5 July 2018

Fonte: Commissione Europea 



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