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Exposure Scenario for CSR: An example of consumer exposure to Substances in Articles

ID 1834 | | Visite: 6618 | Documenti Chemicals ECHAPermalink:

Exposure Scenario for CSR

An example of consumer exposure to Substances in Articles

The exposure scenario is one of the main innovations of the REACH Regulation. The exposure scenario describes how to use a chemical substance safely. Publishing examples is a good way to show how an exposure scenario looks in practice.

Examples help industry and authorities to form a common understanding of the information that an exposure scenario should contain.

For this purpose, ECHA, either on its own or by collaborating with industry sectors, has developed a series of examples of exposure scenarios that cover industrial, professional and consumer use and an illustrative example of a chemical safety report (CSR).

Annex I paragraph 0.3 of REACH states that “the chemical safety assessment shall consider the use of the substance on its own (including any major impurities and additives), in a mixture and in an article, as defined by the identified uses.

The assessment shall consider all stages of the lifecycle of the substance resulting from the manufacture and identified uses”.

Therefore, if a substance fulfilling the criteria specified in Article 14 becomes part of an article, the subsequent service life or lifecycle stage should be covered by an assessment and the conditions of safe use reported in the exposure scenario.

1.1 Background information
1.2 Aim of this document
1.3 Content of this document
2.1 Substance selection
2.1.1 Substance data
2.1.2 Technical function of the substance
2.2 Use selection
2.3 Strengths and limitations
3.1 Workflow explaining the assessment steps
3.2 Considerations for starting the assessment
3.3 Main conditions of use related to the article
3.4 Tier I assessment
3.5 Tier II assessment
3.5.1 Main assessment
3.5.2 Supportive assessment
3.5.3 Other assessment methods

ECHA 2015

Regolamento (CE) n. 1907/2006 REACH

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An example of consumer exposure to Substances in Articles
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