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Pressure equipment paper PED directive 2014/68/EU

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Pressure equipment papers PED Directive 2014/68/EU

CETOP Position Paper concerning EC directive “Pressure equipment” (2014/68/EU)

The document describes the agreed CETOP position on the directive and its application to fluid power systems and components.

The Technical Commission of CETOP, the umbrella organisation of the European Fluid Power Associations, has updated the position paper PP 04 after the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC had been revised.

The position paper "EU Directive "Pressure Equipment" (2014/68/EU)", valid since June 1, 2017, explains which fluid power products fall under the EU Directive. It also states that the liquids and gases used in fluid power are generally Group 2 fluids. These are substances and mixtures classified as non-hazardous within the meaning of the directive.

CETOP (Comité Européen des Transmissions Oléohydrauliques et Pneumatiques)


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