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11th a recommendation Annex XIV REACH April 2023

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ECHA recommends eight substances for REACH authorisation 12 04 2023

ECHA recommends eight substances for REACH authorisation / ECHA’s 11th recommendation 12 April 2023

ID 19421 | 12 April 2023 / ECHA/NR/23/11 - Download Scheda

To protect workers and the environment, ECHA recommends that the European Commission adds eight substances, including lead, to the REACH Authorisation List. Once substances are added to the list, companies will need to apply for authorisation to continue using them.

Helsinki, 12 April 2023 - ECHA’s 11th recommendation includes the following substances:

- Ethylenediamine;
- 2-(4-tertbutylbenzyl)propionaldehyde and its individual stereoisomers;
- Lead;
- Glutaral;
- 2-methyl-1-(4-methylthiophenyl)-2-morpholinopropan-1-one;
-  2-benzyl-2- dimethylamino-4’-morpholinobutyrophenone;
- Diisohexyl phthalate; and
- Orthoboric acid, sodium salt.

ECHA has prioritised these substances from the Candidate List of substances of very high concern for this recommendation as they are of the highest priority, following the agreed approach of 2014.   

The inclusion of lead in the draft recommendation published on 2 February 2022 generated many comments during the consultation. It led to an active discussion in ECHA’s Member State Committee related to the best timing, its combination with other ongoing or planned regulatory activities as well as the expected workload for industry and authorities at the next stage.

Ofelia Bercaru, the Director for Prioritisation and Integration, said: “This recommendation brings lead metal to the same regulatory stage as other lead compounds with similar uses already recommended for inclusion to the Authorisation List. We are aware of the challenges and considered that balancing the risks posed by lead to workers and the environment with its continued use requires a policy decision by the Commission and EU Member States.”

More information about the reasons for recommending these substances for authorisation and of their uses is available in the annex and in ECHA’s recommendations. 


ECHA has the legal obligation to regularly recommend substances from the Candidate List for the Commission to include in the Authorisation List. Before sending its recommendation to the European Commission, comments received during a three-month consultation and the opinion of the Member State Committee are taken into account. 

The European Commission will decide which substances are included in the Authorisation List and what conditions apply for each substance. If a substance is included in the Authorisation List, it can only be placed on the EEA market or used after a given date, if an authorisation is granted for a specific use. 

The authorisation process aims at enhancing substitution of substances of very high concern when technically and economically viable alternatives are available. Until this is achieved, the goal is to ensure proper control of risks for human health and the environment. 

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