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Safe operation with fork lift trucks

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Doc 165 17 Safe Operation with Fork Lift Trucks

Safe operation with fork lift trucks

EIGA Doc 165/17 Rev. doc. 165/10

The publication is intended to be used by those who are involved in and manage the selection, operation and maintenance of fork lift trucks.

Forklift trucks and mechanically operated pallet trucks are becoming increasingly important elements in mechanical handling practices, as the gases industry seeks to improve safe working conditions and reduce manual handling practices.

In recent years the number of forklifts and mechanically operated pallet trucks has increased as a result of this search for greater efficiency and safer work practices but incidents with these vehicles continue to occur on a regular basis.

The purpose of this publication is to help prevent and reduce the number of incidents that occur by making managers and operators aware of the hazards, and by providing recommendations on risk prevention, suitable maintenance practices and correct driver selection, training and assessment.

This revised edition has updated references and the layout has been aligned to match the EIGA publications standard.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Scope and Purpose
2.1. Scope
2.2. Purpose
3. Definitions
3.1. Publication terminology
3.2. Technical definitions
4. Technical safety features
4.1. Forklift trucks
4.2. Pallet trucks
5. General safety instructions
6. FLT operations – Example of incidents from the industrial gases industry
6.1. Examples of incidents involving unsafe driving or manoeuvring
6.2. Incidents due to unsafe access or egress from FLT
6.3. Incidents due to unsafe loading or unloading from FLT
6.4. Images of FLT incidents
7. FLT operations – Key hazards and preventative measures
7.1. Forklift trucks
7.2. Pallet trucks
8. Driver hiring and training
9. Maintenance and inspection
9.1. Daily inspection
9.2. Maintenance
10. Safety checklist
10.1. Daily inspection checklist
10.2. Audit checklist
11. References
12. Additional references

Appendix 1: Example of daily forklift inspection checklists

Figure 1 Typical fork lift truck
Figure 2 Typical pallet truck and controls
Figure 3 Warning sign
Figure 4 Injured foot
Figure 5 FLT turned over and simulation of accident
Figure 6 Example of incorrect use of FLT for access
Figure 7 Example of unloading incident (1)
Figure 8 Example of unloading incident (2)
Figure 9 Illustration of FLT starting to turn over
Figure 10 Illustration of turned over FLT and trapped driver
Figure 11 FLT Load diagram
Figure 12 Example of visibility reduced by FLT mast
Figure 13 Example of visibility reduced by when carrying a bundle of cylinders
Figure 14 Example of misuse of FLT as a work platform
Figure 15 Example of potential incident

Fonte: EIGA


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